Monday, November 12, 2012

Wrong Way

Wrong Way

Raindrops hurl themselves at the windshield
The wipers race to keep up
Failing to, I squint to see the road in front of me
Monday morning
Driving the wrong way

Why can’t I turn around
Hurl myself at you the way the rain races to the ground
Why can’t I cry like the clouds into your chest
The comfort of your arms like an umbrella
Protecting me from reality

My blinker clicks in a mocking tone
This turn is one turn farther from you
One more turn the wrong way

Why can’t I screech to a halt
Spin back into your realm
Where nothing else matters
Where rain is a chance for a kiss
Where thunder is a reason to move closer
To feel your heart pound against mine

The road is straight
But I can’t see far ahead
The rain is in sheets now
Screaming at me to go back

But sometimes in life
You have to go the wrong way
To get to the right place

Thursday, November 8, 2012



How long has it been
I refuse to count the days
I get lost in time
I get trapped

Why can't I just escape
Escape back to the days when all I had to do was tilt my head up
And I'd get a kiss from you

Back to the days when my giggles filled the room
As you tickled and kissed my head
Wrestling me to the ground

Back to the day when you were mine
And I was your's
Won't you be my escape



My heart breaks through my chest
My mind spins into a dizzy blur
My breath jabs at my throat

Why can't I stop from shaking?
Why can't I control my own body?

Tripping over my own emotions
I stumble to my feet

My limbs don’t answer me anymore
I am a puppet strung from fear

Insanity fills my veins
Dancing maniacally through my bones
Assuming position and taking control



A pretty face
A cute smile
Not a care in the world
Appearances can be misleading

To you
I am a porcelain doll
My eyes are perfectly painted
A beautiful hue that grabs your gaze
A perfectly placed drip of white paint
And my eyes shimmer
You see a thousand reasons to be happy

But maybe you're wrong
That white dot isn't a glimmer of happiness
It's the birth of a tear
That will eventually tip over
My porcelain lid

When the tear finally falls,
Then will you see I am real?
Will you see pain dripping from my open sores?
The salt of my tears burning my cut and broken flesh

Or will you think a drop on rain has fallen onto your doll
And simply wipe it away with the sleeve of your sweatshirt

When you notice a crack in the chest
Leading down into the delicate white lace dress I wear
Will you see my emotional pain transforming into physical pain?
My heart aching for a break
For one day without another problem hurled at it's glass shell

Cracking more and more

Or will you think it's a factory mistake
Your doll is perfect
Never in harms way

When you see my little arms
Sleeved in white lace
Held out open
Will you see my pleading
Begging to be held
To feel the warmth of another human
If I had knees I'd be on them groveling

Or will you see a perfectly constructed pose?
Showing off the detail at the waist of the dress
Making me seem welcoming as I sit on your shelf

One day
Just one
Take me down from the shelf
And hold me close
Wrap your arms around my little porcelain body
Finger the intricate design of the lace in my dress

Stroke my hair my golden hair

Then hold me close
And feel through the perfect exterior
The tiny heart struggling to keep beating

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway

We meet everyday
Everyday you wear that same hat
Even on days when it’s raining
Right out side your window
You lean against

I stare at you
But you are captured in your book
You never look up at me
Or tip your hat “Hello”
It must be a good book

The tips of your fingers rest on your cheekbone
You must have read something
That caused you to pause

And you are still paused
Day after day
Never changing
Keep reading Ernest
Turn that next page

I can’t help but wonder
If you ever finished the book
Did you ever make sense of that line
That line that caused you to strike this pondering pose

But today Ernest
Today you are curling away from the wall
Your feet are in motion
You are halfway there
I want to tear you down
And let you be free

 So you can finally experience the world
As it is described in that line
That line that caused you to kiss your cheek with your fingertips
So long ago



I wish my eyes were like a camera
I could click a button and persevere the sight forever

A click at the way the steam dances off my morning coffee
Twirling its way up
And tickling my nose
And warmly caressing my cheek
Simply begging to be sipped

I could snap a whole album
On the way the frost crawls up
My window in the morning
It reaches its skinny crooked fingers up
Stretching and yawning
With the morning sun

The moonlight shining
On the drop of melted snow
Clinging the bare branch
One kiss of the wind and it would fall

I guess that's what memories are
The snapshots that are taken when
The poets are at their windows